Sunday, July 26, 2015

Mosquito Attaque.

Staying at the Tom Lenard shelter in MA tonight. There are all these thru hikers here. Pretty great.

Two highlights of the day:
Walking with a girl from Belgium. She is faster than me and has a fantastic attitude about hiking.
The other was walking with a Quebec french guy. Peaceful Warrior. He is beautiful and hikes with no shirt. He has the quiet confidence so alien to me that I want to spend time with him to see how that works.

I learned how to hike fast downhill  today from Peaceful Warrior. He is like a gymnast on the trail. Something amazing to watch.

Today was my longest day on the trail. 14mi between shelters. Tomorrow I'll go slower. Only 10mi to a campground.

I thought that being out here, surviving the outdoors would help me build some confidence. so far, not so much.

There were so many mosquitoes today. Fucking ran through the woods. After about 4 hours of walking as fast as I could through the Fire-Swamp (there were no rodents of unusual size), I got to a road crossing where there were no mosquitoes. I was exhausted, tired, and sticky from sweat. I said out loud after admiring my elbows, where were the main mosquito attack zone was: "My arms itch."
I am not sure exactly what it was. Maybe my pathetic voice, or the blunt honesty of the statement, but I started cracking up. Suddenly feeling bad was past the point of misery, and transcended into hilarity.

So, I ate my lunch, watched a small family walk unprepared onto the swamp trail, then hiked 5.5 more miles to the shelter.

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