Friday, July 24, 2015

So much drama!

6pm @ Laural Ridge Campsite
mi 1508.1

Got a little time to kill. While scoping out the camp sites after rolling into the designated stopping point for the day, a big grey cloud blocked out  the evening sun. Soon after the wind picked up. The russling leaves called out immediate rain fall.

As fast as I could, I found an open plot and set up my tent. The fastest pitch to date! Threw everything inside, ran to put all my food and cooking stuff in the bear box and returned to my test as the first drops fell. It is a light rain, and will not last more than an hour tops. Maybe only 20min.

Took a zero in Salisbury CT. Stayed at the amazing Marie McCabe's house.
I don't know what happened in that town, but by the end of my zero day, I was in full anxiety mode. I couldn't eat with out feeling nauseous. Not at any point during the planning or hiking so far had I experienced that level of insecurity.

My left and right hip-flexors were killing me. But I knew better than to submit to the fear or shame.
A lot of the anxiety was focused on the north bound thru hikers. They are covering massive miles each day. 15-25mi! Their packs look tiny & impossibly light. They can eat 4000 calories in a single meal.

On top of my never ending quest to belittle myself by comparing to others, my trail legs are slow to come. My hips hurt so bad I walked at a grandma pace for 4/5ths of the day. Up and down painful mountains.
But by some kind of elfin magic and being very careful, most of the pain was gone by the evening. As the pain left, so did most of the anxiety.

 I am comfortable out here in the woods all day. If I never had to go to town I would be very happy.

On last thing. I mailed back home from Salisbury 2lbs 12oz worth of gear. Bringing my base weight down to 15-16 lbs. That was a nice motivator. I sent home two questionable things Patagonia capoline thermal top(12oz), and my emergency blanket(2.5oz)....might regret that.

Things I sent home:
- maps
- knife
- scissors
- rope
- 2/3s of the AWOL guide that I will not need to get to Maine.
- Extra socks
- Handkerchief
- etc

5 days of food weighs about 11lbs. Then 3liters of water weighs another 6lbs.
In total food and water weighs more than my base weight! I want to get to a point with my body where I can walk far enough to only need to carry 3 days of food.

Anyway. The rain has stopped. I want to sneak in dinner. (salami, wraps, & a cereal bar). I'll eat the tuna for breakfast after the pop tart (love camping).

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