Saturday, August 1, 2015

That still and quiet place.

7:30pm @ John Noel Shelter, just north of Dalton.

Took a great zero in Dalton. Been hanging out with Samera. This past week we walked about the same speed, and she is great company. There are two south bounders and 3 others north bounders in the shelter tonight.

Wish there was more time out here. Hiking too fast to write lately. That is good & bad. I would like to write a bit, but is it fun to cover more ground.

Noisy tonight. Hard to have private or sensitive thoughts. BUT, it is nice to be around the hikers. They are a lively bunch.

I was told there would be a small depression after the trail. Because we are running on / making so many endorphins, that the few weeks after the trail is a delicate time.

The trail isn't the quiet self respective time I thought it would be. Hiking is intense and requires constant concentration. Also, it is beautiful. It is a difficult to imagine trying to think about past regrets, failures, disappointments or any other non-lovely-trail things. Would be a crime.

Like today. We walked 14.9 miles from the town to the shelter. Every hill, every view, was prettier than the last.

I hope I make it to Maine. I still haven't found that courage I was looking for out here.

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