Monday, September 28, 2015

Getting into the groove.

6:40pm @ the Horseshoe Canyon Lean-To
mi 123.5

Shelter all to myself tonight it seems. Cyndi Lopper stopped by for dinner. Last time I saw her was near the Pinkham Notch. She was having a bad day. Apparently after that she rented a car, then spent a week on the beach. She met her trail family in Monson, did the 100mi wilderness in 6 days, summited Katahdin, and is now walking SOBO for the last 150+ miles to complete the trip. Intense right? Was nice to see her healthy and happy.

Early night for me. Gonna get up at the crack of dawn and get into town. Would have loved to get there today, but trying for an 18mi day just when I am feeling better...on the back of yesterday's 13mi seemed like a poor decision. So, I got here to the shelter about 3:30pm, hung out with Loppers, ate dinner, hung my bear bag (good hang!) and will hit the hay. I want to get into that 100mi wilderness already. So much building up to it! Need to get'r done!

Also, the trail was beautiful today. Walked beside a river for 9 something miles. Icy Cold! I am loving this flat AT. Doing wonders at healing my poor sad knees!

Also, camped on a lake last night. Sounds of the Lunes all evening. We all woke up to watch the blood moon eclipse. Perfect viewing over the still waters at 10:45pm. Then we all got cold & went back to bed. It was only 45deg out. So. Yeah. We did our duty to the universe.

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